The workshop draws on cutting-edge techniques from recent TV, as well as forgotten methods from classic films and prose fiction.
We'll see how narratives can be designed to evoke shock, suspense, anticipation, surprise, and powerful reversals of expectation. When you write a story, you want it to move people and make them think - but how do you design stories to communicate the ideas and emotions you intend, in the most effective ways possible? This workshop gives writers in all genres the tools to create a truly satisfying emotional journey, which becomes richer as it develops and leads to a rewarding conclusion. |
It also show how creating a narrative with an overall design can solve many problems of characterisation and visual approach.
Exercises and carefully-chosen clips will help you to generate ideas and absorb the workshop's concepts. What they're saying: "Very to-the-point and detailed ... I would recommend it to writers who are working on projects in any genre." "I'm now thinking about my stories in different ways, and how I can apply what I've learnt." "Great for provoking new ways of thinking about your projects." "It covered the topic extremely well, with lots of interesting and useful clips to emphasise key points." |
To be confirmed VENUE This is an online workshop PRICE £99 Standard price £85 Concessionary price Standard price: £99
Concessionary price: £85
Concessions available to members of WGGB, WFTV, Society of Authors, BECTU, Directors UK and Newman House