The 31ST Euroscript Screen Story Competition 2025
is now OPEN
deadline 31st march 2025
Have you prepared:
Remember - if you are submitting more than one entry, please email each entry separately. Your 750-word story summary and script sample must be anonymised.
- a 750-word story summary?
- a ten-page script sample from the project you are submitting?
- the completed email with your details (see below)?
Remember - if you are submitting more than one entry, please email each entry separately. Your 750-word story summary and script sample must be anonymised.
Email your 750 word treatment in pdf format and your ten page sample script in pdf format to:
[email protected]
Please note: Make sure that your name does NOT appear anywhere on the pages of your document.
The file name should be anonymised too and only mention the title of the project following the template below:
"Title_10 pages"
In the body of the email write:
Your name
The title of your Screenplay
Your email
Your tel number
Pay for your entry here:
[email protected]
Please note: Make sure that your name does NOT appear anywhere on the pages of your document.
The file name should be anonymised too and only mention the title of the project following the template below:
"Title_10 pages"
In the body of the email write:
Your name
The title of your Screenplay
Your email
Your tel number
Pay for your entry here:
If you enter The Euroscript Screen Story Competition 2024 you will have acknowledged that you agree to these rules.
- The Euroscript Screen Story Competition is open to writers of any nationality from any country.
- Entrants must be over 16 years of age.
- Entries must be written in English.
- Submissions should take the form of: a prose summary of your feature-length screenplay in no more than 750 words, this includes the title and any logline; and a ten page script writing sample from the submitted story idea; and the completed entry form. Any entry which is over the 750 word count will be disqualified.
- Submissions must be sent by email as PDFs. No Final Draft or Movie Magic files, please.
- Handwritten entries will be returned unread. All entries must be typewritten.
- Scriptwriting samples should be in standard industry format, using Courier 12pt font.
- All entries must be submitted by the competition deadline of midnight BST 31 March 2025.
- Submissions by co-writing partnerships will be accepted.
- All submissions must be accompanied by the correct entry fee. Entrants may make as many submissions as they wish.
- The entry fee is £45 per submission.
- Entering the competition constitutes permission for Euroscript to use the winners’ names for publicity and promotional purposes without any additional compensation.
- The one-year script development period should start within six months of the winners' announcement although within-reason delays can always be accommodated.
- To enter this competition you either have to hold the rights to your material or have the rights’ holder’s permission.
- There will be no cash alternative to the offered prizes.
- Writers should put the title of the project submitted on the top of the two page treatment and script sample but not include their name anywhere on the two page treatment or script sample.
- All submissions should be accompanied by the email as described on our Competition Home Page.
- If you are submitting more than one entry, please email each entry separately.
- If you have received script development as a result of winning the Euroscript Screen Story Competition and the script is subsequently made into a film, in the end credits please acknowledge Euroscript as follows: Script Development supplied by Euroscript Limited.
Any questions? Call +44 (0)7958 244 656 or email [email protected]