ONLINE consultancy
PRICINGYou can send us a screenplay, synopsis or treatment to discuss.
how it works
All our online feedback costs £50 per hour (reading time is also paid at this rate).
A feature script up to 110 pages requires two hours' reading and note-taking time.
So with two hours for your session with our consultant, the total cost is £200.
Please tell Ian Long when you've paid and email
your script to him at [email protected].
Also include a brief note on your story's genre, tone and anything else he needs to
know to find the right consultant for you, as well as its length in pages.
One of our consultants will contact you to set up a call.
For all other lengths and formats, please contact Ian Long for prices,
to book and arrange payment.
If your film goes into production we'd appreciate a credit
for your consultant, and for Euroscript.
We reserve the right not to accept material that we deem to be inappropriate
and will make a full refund in those instances.